The Fitness Industry is Headed Down a Bad Path (Huberman under attack, etc)

we Face a serious problem in this industry right now it's frustrating because the only people that it's really hurting are the people that need the most help we have an issue with a rebound to oversimplification we are over simplifying Fitness in so many ways now as a counter-regulatory means to combat all the details and the optimize and super over optimization stuff that's out there well we just need to bring it back to eat less and move more why are we muddying the water with so much detail we need to not be focusing on blood sugar we shouldn't be focusing on this or that or this food good or this food bad we need to be focusing on eat less and move more well how has that been working out for us that's like you telling me that if I want to make money or if I want to get rich I just need to spend less money than I make I know it's true it's just like the calories in calories out equation like we know that that's important we know that that's true but when you oversimplify things it's a problem I put a link down below for Thrive Market if you are doing any kind of eating pattern I don't care if you are vegan if you're a Paleo if you are keto if you are AIP it does not matter eating in a deficit can still give you these benefits that we're talking about so Thrive Market's an online membership-based grocery store that link gets you 25 off your entire grocery order that means everything you put in your shopping cart you're going to save 25 off that grocery order plus you get a free gift and this is only if you're using my link Down Below in the description okay I've been working with Thrive marketing on this channel for five years touting them in all kinds of videos they're a huge sponsor so that link down below saves you 25 plus the best part you order up your groceries you can sort by diet type figure out what works for you and then it gets delivered to your doorstep within two three days so a you get everything that you could ever want and you can search for it and you can sort by diet type B you don't have to waste your time going to the grocery store running into people you don't want to run into and see it ends about your doorstep all packaged up all in a really good way that you can just rock and roll put it in your pantry or even put their sustainable Meat and seafood options directly in your freezer okay so check them out down below in the description so here we have this industry of sort of call out culture where Now call out culture is anyone you don't agree with so if someone doesn't agree with you online it's oh that's misinformation or that's cringe or you're a grifter or you're just trying to sell something like I hear it Andrew huberman hears it Peter attia hears it we all hear it and it's just when something doesn't agree or someone doesn't agree with what you have to say it's now labeled as worthy of a reaction video so you get little Snippets of videos and I'm not just talking about me candidly it doesn't happen to me all that much compared to a lot of these others but I see it destroying and degrading fitness and health we have to remember that these optimization tools the little nuancy things we talk about are not the gospel they're not everything we're supposed to do they are supposed to be tools if I gave you a toolbox and I said Hey in this toolbox are a million dollars worth of tools that could absolutely paralyze you with detail okay but if I gave you a box with just a hammer and a saw and some nails and maybe a drill you could get a lot done but you'd be left with a lot of pieces missing too so if I give you that toolbox with a million dollars worth of tools but I tell you hey the most important tools that you're going to use are going to be in this drawer first everything else is going to help you fill in the gaps there's nothing wrong with that the bottom line is that call out culture is discouraging people when someone learns something new and they get excited about it and then they see someone make a reaction video saying why this person's wrong and why it all comes down to a simple thermodynamic equation or it all comes down to just eat less and move more I understand the premise there and that's not incorrect like that is probably the most important thing but the call-out culture just discourages that person from maybe applying the one or two healthy things that they were even going to apply that week so now they've just resorted to well what Andrew huberman told me must have been wrong because they called them out so I'm just going to go back to eat my potato chips I'll just try to eat less of them but we have a serious freaking problem here we don't have the same control over how much we eat as we did 20 years ago we have things out of our control hyper palatable stuff that is triggering our brain to light up like a Christmas tree making us crave things and want things we never would have even been thinking of before because why food marketing is good and this isn't some conspiracy talk like food marketing knows what they're doing food scientists know what they're doing they're great at getting us to eat more they do it to me they do it to all of us even those that have control so telling us just to like not worry about the little details really leaves a lot of us detail-oriented people frustrated there is a very big difference between having positive detail and fear-mongering there is a difference between doing something like huberman suggests saying hey go out and stare at the Sun for five or seven minutes in the morning and get a benefit to your circadian biology and saying you never want to touch this particular food because it's going to absolutely destroy you there's a big difference one is optimization and that can have benefit the other is fear-mongering that is a whole different ball game but some of us are detail-oriented and we need that I'd say a say 40 or 50 of people that I encounter like detail but when we smash them every time they look at detail I'll give an example I had a short Instagram video that I did with glucose goddess she's got a large brand in the glucose management space we talked about using a as a tool a partially green banana not even an unripe banana but just like hey if you like the taste of a partially green banana which I do it's actually a nice little trick to control glucose a little bit more than having a regular banana we even ended the video by saying hey a banana is still a better option than most things no one demonized a banana it was an it was a tool that you could use to your advantage there were a few people that just reacted to that in really weird ways most people found it beneficial most people said hey like that's a great idea like maybe I will opt for a slightly green banana and have a less glucose bike that's a cool trick but it's usually the people in the fitness space themselves that have a bone to pick those are the people that say how are you discouraging from you know just eat the banana it's not simple just eat the banana you're discouraging people from eating bananas when I look at those comments most people were not discouraged most people thought it was a cool trick the only people discouraged were people in the fitness industry that get frustrated because maybe they didn't think of it first or maybe they just get competitive with it or maybe they just don't like the idea of it why is it a big deal to simply not agree who cares I can disagree with you you can disagree with me it doesn't mean it's false it doesn't mean it's pseudoscience there's plenty of data to back stuff up but just because it doesn't agree fasting is a perfect example lots of data to back up fasting as equal or possibly even better in certain situations than other means of weight loss that doesn't mean that we're Crooks or we're pseudoscientists it means that that's the camp that we like to talk about and we think about the most doesn't mean we're wrong right why can't that exist the pendulum swings all the time before we were focused on optimization and we wanted nitty gritty and we wanted details now this pendulum starts to swing to we just we've had enough like we don't want to hear that stuff anymore so we start going to simplification The pendulum's Swinging that way and we're going to oversimplify we need to find middle ground we need to find what our pillars are and optimize from there some people want to optimize a little bit first before they focus on those pillars perhaps that's not the best way to do it but maybe that's how their brain works and why do we feel the need to discourage that if people are not actually spewing nonsense and they're actually spewing constructive things let them spew constructive things the net positive is probably better than the net negative as long as they're not fear-mongering and scaring away from like all kinds of food which I know exists but I'm talking about the large scale categories here I think what I'm saying is we've lost sight of helping in an effort to just compete we just want to compete for viewership we just want to compete for attention we want to compete for your right or we want a virtue signal to a point where it's saying like oh thank goodness this person called out that person thank goodness this person called out that person's be a stop it seriously like what the heck are we gaining from that you actually sound whiny when you do that that doesn't sound productive that's emasculating and terrible feeling it's a concern trolling oh I'm doing this for you I'm doing this I'm saving you from the BS no you're actually just hindering that person because maybe that BS if it was actually not really BS was helping that person when I see someone call out Andrew huberman for giving them like a small scale study that is still rooted in science I get frustrated because I'm like dude that guy has changed so many lives and you're gonna shoot him down over viewership to compete with him and disregard how many people he's helping and how he might be helping a lot of people that you're now standing in the way of let me give you a few of my pillars that are really basic and the things that you can still apply with optimization strategies from whoever it is you follow online Atia huberman whatever doesn't matter number one is your protein should always be key right like your protein should always be number one I think if you focus on that a lot of things fall into place and a lot of the optimization strategies work really well two I think you should control your fats I think that is a problem that we have is we have so many hyper palatable fats that are calorically dense I feel like if we optimize for protein and we control the fats that we bring into our diet I think we put ourselves in a really good spot I feel like if we simply took a break from food and tried to eat in like a 12 12 eating pattern where we don't eat for 12 hours and then we have a 12 hour eating block I think a lot of things would also fall into place but still leaves room for optimization take a break from food everything kind of falls into place a little bit metabolically there gives you some more flexibility with what you can eat you can live your life then I also think G flux is important it's better to move more and eat more than it is to move less and eat less that's a simple Dynamic but it's complex too right it's a very complex thing it involves a lot of nuance I can't just say to you hey you should move more and eat more that's confusing right that requires explanation so with all of these foundations that we build we have these little bricks that need to be learned as well lastly I think a very simple thing to remember is we should probably work towards earning carbohydrates that we eat now what I mean by that is simple I mean that carbs should be for energy and if you're going to go for a walk if you're gonna you should scale your carbohydrates based on your activity that just makes a lot of sense and it Ruffles feathers but it's a very fundamental rule but that requires more Nuance too well how much activity warrants how many carbs you see smart people ask questions and questions involve detail and more detail involves more nuance and more Nuance involves more scrutiny and with scrutiny comes complete disregard of the overall message which is helping people so you do you if you like the detail focus on the detail lean into it because if you oversimplify you're going to be living your simple life that's never going to get you where you want to be unless you're one of the few that can follow blindly to just listen to a basic high level explanation I'll see you tomorrow

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