This Amino Acid Could Be THE KEY to Living Longer (new research)

whoa what the heck was that ah it was that amino acid that one amino acid that might be the culprit when it comes down to just throwing a wrench in our longevity parade okay I don't literally mean that like this one amino acid is the entire problem but what we're starting to see now with the research is that when it comes to longevity it's not just about caloric restrictions it's not just about protein restriction we're getting more granular and the research is starting to take us in some different directions so we're learning a lot in this one particular amino acid is one of the biggest culprits when it comes down to well attenuating the benefits of caloric restriction when it comes down to longevity what do I mean by this well let's dive into a study there is a study published in the Journal of nutrition and it took a look specifically at our friend methionine now in this study they gave mice a regular Chow diet this regular Chow diet had 0.86 percent methionine now they lived for a normal amount of time whatever then they put the rats diet that was 0.17 percent methionine so a pretty significant reduction in methionine and guess what they lived 30 percent longer with lower amounts of methionine whoa whoa what's going on here well here's where things get kind of interesting they found that these rats ended up being a lot smaller so that accounts for something smaller body mass ends up probably leading to more longevity too but it was all rooted from the methionine well it's kind of a problem because we don't necessarily want to be small and frail but anyway we dive in more they also ate less so then people that were opposing this study would say well they just lived longer because they ate less because they were smaller and they ate less great Point super solid Point such a solid point that the researchers actually adjusted for this and said okay we're going to take the regular Chow diet 0.86 percent and we're going to have the rats eat a much less amount of this so that they end up eating the same amount of calories that the small mice that had the 0.17 methionate no change they did not increase their lifespan so even when the calories were reduced they did not improve their lifespan whereas the group of rats that had the reduction in methionine did have a 30 increase in their lifespan does this mean that you need to 100 get Metheny out of your diet that is a terrible terrible terrible thing no because what it is is Metheny is still an essential amino acid these essential amino acids trigger a specific growth response in the body we need this growth response to repair to rebuild to build muscle which is important and I think what a lot of us want right so I'm not saying get rid of the Metheny but here's my theory on this okay there's a very important piece we have to look at with methionine we are getting a lot of methionine in muscle meat that we consume we have been designed to eat everything that would mean that knows the tail right we would ideally be eating kidneys we'd be eating liver we'd be eating organ meat and everything the organ meat is much lower methane content compared to the muscle meat so we as humans we are eating a very skewed diet with a large amount of methionine compared to maybe what our ancestors would have consumed so it's not necessarily about always restricting the theanine I do think we need to pay attention to restricting methionine but even more importantly we need to increase our ratio of other proteins to methionine because the theanine seems to have an issue now I'm going to dive into some more stuff that's very specific with methionine because it does start going down a really interesting pathway called s adenosil methionine which we'll talk about in a second what I am a fan of is cycling your proteins anyway I don't think that you should just be eating rib eyes and chicken breasts every day all day right it's not good you should be rotating it up you should be occasionally having the organ meat you should be occasionally having this and that and I'm not going to rain on any diet parade I am not going to diet bash that is not who I am a lot of times if I'm using protein shakes I use plant-based protein shakes and I catch a lot of flack from the carnivore Community I even catch flock from the keto Community but I am big on that I am big on getting the non-essential aminos and the essentials from different directions and the nice thing with occasionally having plant-based protein is it is a lower methionine content we're not going to find Liver shakes that are out there sorry they just don't exist and they probably don't taste that good but when it comes down to having a protein shake having a plant-based Shake might work well I did put a link down below for the one that I use because I know people are going to ask they always do it's Sun Warriors active line which is a newer line for them that's utilizing pumpkin seed protein which I find to be a very solid protein alongside pea protein which I've always been a fan of but now having a larger ratio with pumpkin seed protein which is super rich in zinc and super rich in other minerals plus a very much easier to digest protein compared to a lot of these plant-based proteins also they put enzymes they put probiotics in there to help assist the digestion and the potential assimilation so a very good product but also it tastes amazing and it gives you the opportunity to occasionally cycle your proteins in with lower methionine content and kind of be aware of that right so that link is down below you can save 20 off if you want to use that link so 20 off whatever you want to order from Sun Warrior whether it's the warrior Blend or the active line protein that I'm talking about here so that link Down Below in the description mechanisms that have to do with aging mtor okay mtor is our growth signal it is not a dimmer switch it is either on or off the moment we have one gram of protein we flip that mtor switch on all the way it might only be for a minute but it's on all the way it doesn't go just a little bit it goes all the way mtor is the opposite of autophagy so on this channel I talk a lot about fasting I talk a lot about instilling and inducing that autophagy response in your body to recycle components of cells if we are constantly spiking mtor by constantly having these massive protein spikes then we do inhibit autophagy but we can accomplish this by still having autophagy by just reducing calories and fasting now and then right that way you can still get your protein in and eat it too but you get to fast to kind of offset some of the switch right what you don't want to have happening is the constant mtor switch being turned on by grazing on protein throughout the day you want to have periods where you're giving your body a break and then bolus is a protein so now we get into this thing called s adenosil methionine now this also is just known commonly as Sam s-a-m interestingly enough in models that are typically mammals but in animal models you see as they get older they accumulate s adenosyl methionine Sam okay they find that if they encourage the breakdown of the catabolism of Sam it actually improves longevity so Sam actually blocks autophagy what so methionine turns into Sam so when you have excess methionine to consume a lot of methionine eventually it converts into sand and Sam blocks autophagy and indirectly stimulates mtor via something called s adenosyl methionine mammalian Target of rap myosin santor so I know I'm sounding like just I know it all that wants to use big words and sometimes that's how I am but just to make it short Sam tour triggers mtor which blocks the benefits of autophagy and can trigger some anti-longevity effects so why do I keep raining on this methanian parade because I think if we look at one particular amino acid that we are skewed like totally inaccurately with I think we consume too much methionine in accordance to these other aminos such as tryptophan things like that and you look at a lot of these different papers you see that when they deprive people or when they deprive subjects I should say not just typically done in people of specific amino acids like tryptophan or whatever it usually does improve longevity but it comes with a side effect of stunted growth or dysfunction or some kind of tumor or things like that right so we need to be in Balance humans as we evolve and we eat more and more packaged food that's just super palatable and even in the case of meat we're eating meat that's just the perfect cut all the time yeah we do skew our ratio of what our body needs for Optimum ability to thrive so yes do a Google search look at foods that are high in methionine and occasionally modulate them so you get a benefit there but what do I know I'm some dude on the internet with a dog that's around here somewhere see you tomorrow

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