The #1 Cause of Weight Gain is NOT High Blood Sugar, it’s High Levels of THIS

there's one thing that we do know insulin stands in the way of fat loss so that means that having spikes in insulin are automatically bad correct not necessarily correct you see we have to look at the big equation here having a spike in glucose is not necessarily the problem and we tend to think that if our glucose is high we're never going to burn fat and if our glucose is high we're stopping that process it makes sense in theory okay but we're developing a little bit of an obsession over this to the point where it actually starts taking away the beauty of what triggers fat loss in the first place so just to give a little bit of context when you spike your glucose that's a normal response because you ate carbohydrates now what is not a normal response is when that glucose remains High okay when your glucose goes up and it comes down that actually means that your body is working the way that it should you saw some energy from glucose your pancreas produced insulin the insulin allowed the glucose into the cell and the glucose went down and you had a drop so the blood sugar roller coaster that we all bag on quite a bit can actually be a good thing and the reason I say that is during those troughs okay when the glucose levels are lower that's when glucagon increases but just to make it very simple it's during those troughs where insulin is low and glucose is low that we actually burn the most fat okay insulin is anti-lipolytic it does stop fat loss but that does not mean that insulin is always present always stopping fat loss however if we're consistently eating carbohydrates and we're never giving our body a chance to have these Peaks and valleys then yeah certainly because insulin impedes and stops the action of what is called hormone sensitive lipase basically it stops the triglycerides from really being broken down into free fatty acids now there's a study that was published in the Journal of postgraduate medicine it was interesting because it found that as body fat levels went up insulin resistance went up okay and this ultimately infers that the more fat that we have the more insulin resistance we have and also infers that the more insulin resistance we have the more fat that we develop now this is where we start to run into an issue okay because if you look at some more data and a study that's published in the journal Endocrinology metabolism you see that when you look at skeletal muscle tissue cultures from obese people versus lean people the obese people have less ability to oxidize fats they oxidize less fat they have less fat Transporters and they have less citrate synthase which is the first step of the Krebs cycle to ultimately break down fuel what this is implying to us and somewhat teaching us through this mechanism is that when we have chronically high levels of insulin then we do seem to impede the utilization of fats so when it comes down to fat burning we do need to be paying attention these kinds of things and this is where being able to have very clear paths like very clear meals with very clear periods of time between them is one of the most important things I understand people want to enjoy snack foods now and then but my theory behind snack foods is that snack foods should go alongside a normal meal okay I think this is one of the biggest problems if we're consistently spiking insulin consistently spiking glucose yes then we are never really giving ourselves a chance to let insulin levels come down so for snack foods things like that you know what if you want to have them now and then that's okay but have them in a clear defined time with your meal and try to choose ones that maybe don't trigger a huge insulin Spike if that's what you're really concerned about I put a link down below for Thrive Market if you're trying to find maybe lower carb snacks or things like that I figured it'd be helpful to put a link down below Thrive Market's an online membership-based grocery store they are a sponsor on this channel so I throw them a bone whenever I can so that link is down below you'll save 30 off your full grocery order so they have keto snacks they have paleo snacks whatever I don't think snacks at the end of the world I just think we need to have them at the right place right so 30 off your entire grocery order but also so a 50 free gift when you do use that link down below so if you're looking for different foods that you want to kind of add to your Arsenal you want to just experiment or you're just looking for a better way to get groceries than going to the grocery store use them down below check that link out what you really need to be paying attention to is less about how high your glucose spikes and more about how long it stays spiked after a meal okay your postprandial glucose like immediately after consuming a meal is important for sure because it tells you where you stand in terms of a specific food and how you respond to a specific food but arguably what's more important is where you are two hours after that meal did your glucose stay elevated after that meal because that's a different question right that's a different situation if you go ahead and you have a bowl of rice it would be pretty normal to have a spike it would be pretty normal for you to spike up and then you know 30 minutes later kind of be back down where you should start having this trough that's perfectly normal response but if you were to measure two hours later and you've barely moved in terms of your glucose levels that's when there is a problem and that's when glucose toxicity becomes a problem so there's two things that are happening that you need to be aware of at that point three things really one you're probably finding that it's easier to gain weight right you're not able to get into those troughs and lose body fat as well you're probably noticing that so that could be your first sign that you need to be paying attention to right now secondly you need to be concerned that shoot I'm insulin resistant my body's not producing enough insulin in response to this meal so my glucose is just staying elevated you need to be aware of that and start putting things into place to mitigate that issue the third thing is well shoot how long has this been going on because now you might have what's called glucose toxicity okay so we have three separate things and they all come together into one just giant Beast right obesity the insulin resistance and then the final glucose toxicity where the high levels of glucose are stimulating inflammatory responses they're triggering advanced glycation in products ages and they're triggering high amounts of reactive oxygen species superoxide radicals in our body that are very hard to deal with and that is triggering secondary damage and metabolic memory damage that is there associated with just the glucose toxicity so three very different things but they all sort of come together and the one big piece that really we can pay attention to with that is well how do we respond to Foods after we've eaten them and later on in the day so I guess my argument with this isn't to say that low carb or high carb is particularly better right because when you look at studies you see okay high carb and high fat diets when people are not overeating actually have similar impacts on insulin sensitivity as long as there's gaps between meals they're in a caloric deficit it's similar effects on insulin sensitivity it's somewhat apples to oranges different conversations so we can't necessarily like take that as gospel but what we can see is that okay what matters is how is our body responding to these Foods what is making us insulin resistant and that's what we have to be paying attention to so regardless no matter what kind of diet you consume because I hate to break it to you when you consume protein you still have an insulin Spike so whether you're low carb or not still having clear defined gaps between meals is utterly important if you sit down and you have a steak you're going to have an insulin Spike granted there's a glucagon Spike with it makes it a little bit different but your body still has to produce insulin your pancreas still has to work okay on the other side of the equation if you're sitting down you're having a bowl of rice your pancreas still has to work arguably one's going to spike higher than the other but does the spike really matter with fat loss what matters more so is how quick do you come down and one of the ways that I will suggest for everyone across the board if you want that glucose level to come down faster and insulin levels to be stable faster exercise move after you eat that is going to get you into that trough okay so yes having a blood sugar crash isn't the end of the world it actually could make you burn fat if you are aware of it so as always keep it locked in here on my channel and I'll see you tomorrow

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