This is Why Steak and Eggs Makes us FEEL so Good

have you ever noticed that people that eat steak and eggs are ridiculously proud of eating steak and eggs and I know like sometimes it's like kind of non-conformist be like I'm gonna eat the steak and eggs for breakfast because it almost seems like I shouldn't but reality is like I've done content like steak and eggs are a tremendously powerfully healthy breakfast if you're eating the right food and you're not overdoing it right like eating good amounts of iron getting good amounts of protein getting good amounts of choline from steak and eggs is unbelievable but now when we look at the research this is almost funny it all makes sense as to why we feel so good when we eat it for breakfast it's totally wild let's check it out I popped the link down below for 30 off your entire grocery order through Thrive Market I know you've heard me say it before but seriously it's super super easy your groceries get delivered to your doorstep they have sustainable Meat and seafood options now too so it's not just like Pantry Staples but the cool thing is is they vet the product so you're not going to have products that have a bunch of garbage in them you're going to have products that have been vetted to be quote unquote kind of better for you category options so you check them out you sort by diet type you order whatever you want you get 30 off your entire grocery order and then it's shipped to your doorstep plus because you're using my discount link down below you get a free 50 gift with your first order as well so definitely check them out trust me it's a game changer you don't have to go to the grocery store you save the money on gas you've saved having to run into Bob at the grocery store it's just awesome anyway that Link's down below check them out okay so when we look at a study published in Psychology research we actually see that protein intake alone is associated with fluid intelligence with episodic memory with working memory these are very important things right so like when we eat more protein literally our brains function better like we have more fluid intelligence fluid intelligence is exactly what it sounds like it's like hey I'm not just like sitting down looking at a piece of paper are you measuring my IQ it's like on the Fly intelligence are you witty are you smart do you are you fluid right just like the name implies episodic memory is like being able to see sort of just again like the name implies like shorter term memory so like almost visual type things and then we have working memory which is kind of the memory that's working in the background like a computer like random access memory well proteins protein what is it about steak and eggs specifically well they happen to be exceptionally high in tyrosine okay now the reason that I mentioned that first study was because all those things that we talked about associated with protein like the fluid intelligence all that those are directly linked to dopaminergic transmission if you have more dopamine on hand you're usually better at those things but dopamine also makes you feel good it's the same reason why even though you don't like it you doom scroll on Instagram right you roll out of bed and you just Doom scroll you don't even want to see the stuff you don't want to see the news but you can't help yourself right that's dopamine it works in your favor and also works in your detriment but with steak and eggs it can work in your favor here's why foods that are rich in tyrosine will convert into dopamine tyrosine turns in to dopamine okay and it does so via an enzyme it's called tyrosine hydroxylase here's what's super wild though we've now seen in the research that normally obviously there's outliers but normally this tryptophan hydroxylase enzyme is only 75 percent saturated with tryptophan what does that mean it means that it has 25 percent left to still have more tyrosine so we're not even fully saturating the hydroxylase we're not saturating the enzyme that converts it to dopamine which means we have more room so more room means more protein more room means more tyrosine give me more tyrosine because that means we have 25 percent more that we could squeak out and potentially 25 percent more dopamine conversion what I wouldn't give to have a 25 boost in mood now I'm not saying that's literally going to happen it's based off of a rough number that I've seen in a study but there's some other stuff too there's actually data that demonstrates that lower protein intakes are associated with less dopamine receptor density here's how I explain receptors and dopamine dopamine is like a bunch of boats and these boats are carrying feel good stuff it makes you feel good right and then you have these docks and the boats have to arrive at the dock and drop off the feel good if you have 10 boats carrying feel good and you only have five docks you're only going to be able to dump off five of the feel good you're left with five of the feel good not being able to actually dock but if you increase your dopamine receptor density by increasing your protein intake then you're making it so there's more docs to drop off the feel good but why is steak and eggs so important in the morning okay I mean forget the basic stuff the satiety the protein making you feel good the choline giving you the brain benefit making you feel alert the fats satiating you the iron giving you more red blood cell function and better oxygen delivery I mean forget all of that but by having increased dopamine levels in the morning you're in more control and you feel good throughout the day which gives you more control with your diet it potentially gives you more control with your life less need to scroll Instagram and more ability to be focused yes it's a stretch but who doesn't like a little bit of feel-good content now and then to justify eating tasty steak and eggs for breakfast I'll see you tomorrow

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