I remember when they told me that I was pre-diabetic I remember exactly where I was and I remember how I felt the thing was it was still a shock to me even though I knew I was overweight and I knew I was unhealthy and the thing is is like now we've got so much more at our fingertips in terms of understanding what's going on and when you look at pre-diabetes there's a lot of things that you can do to start getting a little bit more control [Music] yeah it's called pre-diabetes for a reason so you pay attention to markers of glucose you pay attention to Homa IR you pay attention to your insulin resistance your insulin sensitivity but it turns out that there's specific kind of fasting that really seems to potentially be beneficial for pre-diabetes now I don't want to necessarily say it's the fix all it's going to do everything I'm not a doctor I'm some guy on the internet I just have been in your shoes and I've been in that situation I've been overweight before so this study is interesting I was published in the journal cell metabolism in 2018 so I'll break it down in its entirety today's video is brought to you by Thrive market so if you want to check them out you can save 25 off your entire grocery order so it's an online grocery store but it's not like a typical grocery store you go online and you can sort by diet type you can do all kinds of things so if you're eating more low carb you can sort by low carb if you're doing paleo you can sort by paleo I think the big reason that I like Thrive Market is even though I look like I like being in front of people I don't I don't like going to the grocery store that much I don't like big crowds it's just not me and I don't really like running into my neighbor at the grocery store all the time I just want to get my groceries and get out Thrive Market makes it so everything gets delivered to your doorstep so that way you can be at your house when you're not hungry and not making bad decisions and make smart decisions and get everything delivered to your doorstep so that link down below will save you 25 plus you get a free gift and all gets delivered to your doorstep so check out Thrive Market down below so this particular study that I found very interesting was one of the most rigorous fasting studies that has been conducted in humans now there wasn't a lot of data they only did it with eight people but that's what happens when you have like really rigorous study design the meals were entirely controlled so what they fed people was exactly what they packaged up for them none of this hey go write down what you eat kind of nonsense that could be fudged or not right right so this study was designed to take a look at early time restricted feeding compared to a control which was more of like a 12 hour block okay very interesting because early time restricted feeding is all about consolidating your calories earlier in the day now the reason that that's potentially beneficial when we look at this mounting evidence that we have in other studies is because we are more responsive to insulin we are more responsive to Fat metabolism we are more responsive to glucose oxidation fatty acid oxidation in the morning it's just the way things work probably because of the Circadian cues right it's morning our signals are saying go burn be awake burn fuel so it makes sense to be eating then compared to stacking calories in the afternoon so these diets were matched for calories the only difference was the group that was doing early time restricted feeding had to have their last meal no later than 3 pm okay so they couldn't be eating late into the evening time they did this for five weeks what they found is nothing short of just mind-blowing so what we do know is that insulin sensitivity is higher in the morning beta cell function is higher in the morning and the thermic effect of food is higher in the morning what that means is that when you consume food you're going to get a higher caloric burn higher body temperature thermogenic effect in the morning so we know these things but what we found with this study was that early time restricted feeding improved fasting insulin levels quite significantly okay so they improve them by 3.4 Milli units per liter in a fasted State and then there were significant improvements at 60 and 90 minutes postprandial as well what this is indicating is that insulin levels were able to come up and then come down pretty quick they were able to come out and do their job put the glucose away into the cell and then go ahead and go along their merry way well they also found that early time restricted feeding improved what is called beta cell responsiveness okay the beta cell is the cell within the pancreas that produces insulin so if the beta cell is more responsive that means that it's reacting quicker when it sees glucose why is this potentially good for a pre-diabetic well because the last thing you want to have is glucose levels staying elevated and in a pre-diabetic State you're still producing insulin things are still working they're just maybe delayed or a little bit dysfunctional so you might have some cake and maybe 20 minutes later it's purely hypothetical you know your insulin levels go up and kind of deal with the problem kind of don't but in this particular case we're saying wow okay beta cell responsiveness improved in the early time restricted feeding group showing that when they consumed food insulin levels went up quicker and dealt with the issue which is the glucose and then went back to Baseline so they also found that insulin resistance had decreased by looking at what is called the area under the curve for a three hour period so area under the curve ratio and it decreased 36 milliunits per liter and in human terms what that means is that how long glucose was essentially elevated and these like surges Rises and falls in glucose how long it was under the curve meaning how long before it was spiking and things like that it had all improved there's pretty big 36 Milli units per liter is a pretty big Improvement in that so again that's something as a potential pre-diabetic that you may want to look at what's cool is that out of all the people that were doing this study there were eight people whenever they entered that crossover meaning they were doing the early time restricted feeding group then they had a watch-up period and they entered the other group during that crossover period only one person did not have insulin levels improved by 25 or more so almost everyone had a 25 or more Improvement of their insulin levels okay now that's the kind of thing again we look at right that's indicating that potentially the beta cells were functioning a little bit better and able to do their job better but then there was a study that was published in nature journal Nature in 2022 and this was looking up very very similar things this one was looking at early time restricted feeding compared to midday time restricted feeding so very similar except one was consolidating their calories much earlier in the day whereas one was eating a little bit more into the late afternoon evening okay cutting right to the chase here the results were this study were very very similar they found Homa IR improved so levels of insulin resistance had improved glucose had improved level of adipose tissue had improved insulin sensitivity had improved so they're seeing markers across the board that's a relatively new 2022 study that really backs up a lot of the data that we've seen in that cell metabolism 2018 study there's also a study that was published in the journal nutrients that confirmed a lot of the same things improvements in fasting insulin as well as 24-hour glucose levels which is something we really should look at not just fasting we want to look at overall 24-hour glucose levels how they are responding with food and things like that in terms of like is insulin actually doing its job is glucose staying stable and then there's also a study in the American Journal clinical nutrition that was published in 2020 same thing with early time restricted feeding they indicated it improved all these markers that are really the metabolic markers we should be looking at if we're potentially diabetic or pre-diabetic now again I'm not a doctor and I'm not suggesting everyone goes out and magically does this but even if you do not fast the data is so mounting it is so piling up in terms of eating earlier in the day so even if you don't fast maybe you try intermittent fasting with an early time restricted feeding strategy like one day a week or two days a week but still make a concerted effort to stack most of your calories towards the morning and wean off as the day goes on so as always keep it locked and hear my channel I'll see you tomorrow