here's a few Foods that'll help you fall asleep faster asparagus now not right before bed but there's a study that looked at asparagus powder and when subjects consumed asparagus powder their time to fall asleep went from 50 minutes 5-0 all the way down to 25.3 minutes we don't really know why we're speculating that it has to do with cortisol and HSP 70 which is a complicated discussion but still pretty darn cool fermented milk or kefir this is interesting because there was a study that took a look at subjects that were undergoing a lot of stress and they found that as they got closer to the stressful event if they were consuming fermented milk or kefir they had more resiliency and didn't have the Sleep issues that came as a result of the stressor fish with omega-3 and vitamin D they did a study where they took a look at this compared to chicken or beef or other meat and they found that when vitamin D and omega-3 Rich fish were in the equation subjects fell asleep faster and stayed asleep longer