16 Most Fattening Foods You’d NEVER Expect

there are foods that are deceptive when it comes down to their caloric density deceptive when it comes down to how they affect your metabolism none of these foods that I'm listing today are bad in fact they're good foods foods that perhaps should be in your diet so full disclaimer this is not a hit piece on these Foods let me make that very clear but it is an awareness piece because for example a salad it looks perfect it looks healthy but what is on that salad 500 600 calories worth of oil a bunch of croutons it's things like that that I want to point out so let's go ahead and dive right into the first one this first one is a food that I talk about all the time as a hugely beneficial food so don't get me wrong it's chia seeds why are chia seeds fattening why could this be well let's put it this way if you take a look at a level tablespoon of Chia seeds that's your serving so just two level tablespoons has like 150 calories if you're adding chia seeds into yogurt or something like that good on you for getting that soluble fiber in good on you for getting those minerals in but if you're doing a couple heaping Scoops you literally could be adding between three and 500 calories that you're not really thinking of so are they healthy absofribly but could they be fattening absoflip and lutely okay the next one is instant oatmeal now here's the deal with instant oatmeal I don't have a problem with rolled oats with overnight oats things I think overnight oats are hugely underrated okay but instant oatmeal has 20 times the amount of sugar if it's a flavored kind than just like regular oats plus how they process instant oatmeal kind of pulverizing it and then drying it actually changes how it affects our blood sugar so you can have a tremendous Spike from instant oatmeal that simply doesn't need to be there like if you just go for say rolled oats or overnight oats where you cook them and put them in the fridge the night before that is just as much of an instant option in fact it's even more instant because you pull it out of the fridge and it's ready to go so ditch the instant oatmeal number three is going to be whole grain bread I say that with air quotes because this is probably one of the most deceptive things that's out there and I don't particularly think there is a place for this kind of whole grain bread whole grains should literally have the whole grains in it whole grain bread ended up being sort of a loophole when in reality white bread although very high glycemic is actually a lower calorie than whole grain bread but be hope grain bread isn't really whole grain bread they just have taken the whole thing and grounded up and pulverized it into a flower the other thing with whole grain bread because you've got the fibers and the fats a lot of times that they try to break down there's usually emulsifiers there's all kinds of different flower treating agents I just don't see a place for it I mean it's kind of like white bread it's like it's no real nutritional value and they make it seem like there is if you're trying to go for like a bread and you really need one opt for one of these like coconut flour breads or even Ezekiel bread is good it's got actual whole grains in it the next one is one that I already talked about and that's restaurant salads and I'm just going to glaze right over the intricate details because you know what's up the salads are healthy okay but are you really getting that much out of a bucket of romaine lettuce that just has some vitamin K and maybe a few other scraggly things you're much better off having some broccoli or having a small amount of asparagus that way you're not getting literally like three four five hundred six hundred sometimes 700 800 calories worth of probably partially hydrogenated oil not to mention the trans fats that are coming from the random weird meat toppings they're putting in there it's just it's uncontrollable now if you make a salad at home and you use some olive oil some Macadamia Oil something that's a completely different ball game I'm not here to make a hit piece on salads but if you're trying to eat healthy at a restaurant you're probably eating more calories in that salad than you are in a small side of french fries let's just put it that way next up is going to be granola this doesn't really need a whole lot of talk okay a we've got a bunch of sugar that's problematic but what ends up happening is you're adding nuts and oil into granola so you've got this high amount of carbohydrates high amount of fat together so not only is that super calorically dense but one could argue based on the dual fuel hypothesis that maybe this disrupts the Randall cycle maybe this is too much carbs and fat in one sitting it's pretty copious right lots of fat lots of carbs you're looking at maybe like 500 calories in a 100 or 150 gram standard serving that's just too much are is there nutritional value there sure but in isolation it might be a little bit better next up in this same category is going to be a cereal bar or granola bar however you want to look at it somewhere along the line we thought that a light breakfast was a good idea that okay on the go people just need something they need to grab on the go so in an effort to do that what's the first thing that they eliminated protein they eliminated the protein and they Consolidated the carbohydrates because carbs are energy for the day I don't know if you talk to Tim Knox he's got some interesting theories on that that carbs are really just kind of a brain sort of stimulus not even really a literal energy but I digress because that's his theory not necessarily mine the point is is that why would we get rid of fiber why would we get rid of protein and just add energy dense carbohydrates to start your day so you've got a relatively low-ish calorie granola bar that's just a complete sugar bomb leaving you hungry throughout the rest of the day that one just doesn't make a lot of sense the next one I've got an interesting story with and that's going to be coconut milk now one thing you need to know when you buy coconut milk turn it around and look at the label if you were to get coconut milk from the can that stuff is insanely calorically dense fun fact when I was doing keto for I was like two years into keto I was using coconut milk to just like make a couple of dishes because it called for it I like an idiot wasn't looking at the nutrition facts there was 60 grams of fat in a little over a cup of the canned coconut milk and we're talking 500 almost 500 calories that is ridiculous all in an effort to eliminate Dairy that was my intent I was like I'm trying to reduce my Dairy intake let me go with coconut milk I was like why do I feel softer why is this not working why why is it harder to lose weight that would be the case so with coconut milk you do want to get it out of the carton but even then sometimes there's like 11 12 13 grams of fat in a half cup serving just be careful that stuff adds up so I understand you're looking for a milk alternative but you just got to be cautious another one you have to be careful of is certain kinds of jerky now not all jerky most jerky is pretty lean but when you look at some jerkies they try to make them like fattier and they try to make them taste a lot better but sometimes you look at these things and you'll find like 12 13 14 grams of fat in a simple serving like which is usually a part of a bag I don't have a problem with fat but when you're talking a few hundred calories and something that should just be a protein snack that's where you have to be careful I usually recommend opting for something more like biltong or like a lean meat stick that's going to have more control as far as the fat intake it's going to give you more control and it's also going to be higher in protein like biltong for example is air dried so it doesn't go through like this hard drying process it makes it super hard they take meat and they air dry it and that way it retains a lot of the nutrients it retains a lot of that flavor and it's a lot more tender I popped the link down below for Apex protein snacks they are my recommended biltong I definitely eat them over jerky in fact once you go to biltong you'll never go back to jerky I can almost guarantee it makes jerky taste like you're eating cardboard because biltong it just retains that juiciness and it just has so much flavor so they're awesome flavors they've got one like Peri-Peri which is like a really spicy one they've got a Hatch Chili type flavor they've got a Teriyaki all of them are gluten-free there's no preservatives there's nothing weird in that so that link down below gets you a special discount because I'm a good friend of Josh who owns the company and he's discounting it for anyone that was watching this video so that link down below right beneath this video in the top line of the description you can try some of their actual biltong or you can try their meat sticks which are super super awesome don't have any nitrites or nitrates totally awesome stuff down below in the description the next one is hummus hummus this is an interesting relationship that I have with hummus because I'm a big Mediterranean diet fan okay or low carb Mediterranean but here's the deal go to the grocery store and grab some hummus off the shelf the first or second ingredient that you're going to find is either soybean oil canola oil or high partially hydrogenated soybean oil occasionally if you spin the big bucks you can get one with olive oil the bottom line is that it is very calorically dense a couple tablespoons of this stuff can have a few hundred calories and if you go with the low quality stuff you're getting more than likely rancid oils that are probably not very shelf stable there's even some hummuses that are in the non-refrigerated section showing that there's a multitude of preservatives and probably emulsifiers and trans fats in there just to keep it shelf stable so hummus is amazing chickpeas are awesome olive oil is amazing but the mixed matches stuff they put together in traditional hummus it's on the grocery store shelves is kind of a trap low-fat yogurt do I really need to say anything more I think we know by now that every time they try to reduce fat out of something they spike it with sugar they're not going to just put something on the Shelf it doesn't taste good they're going to make it taste good one way or another so don't go for that you're still getting a tiny bit of protein but the amount of sugar you're getting is ridiculous just opt for Bulgarian yogurt or to opt for like an unsweetened Greek yogurt maybe add a little bit of stevia or something in it to the mix this next one is one that I obviously don't hate because I talk about them all the time but we have to be careful come on we got to get real with these nuts okay the nuts are simply caloric does it mean that you can enjoy them from time to time yeah I probably have a couple ounces per day but really really guys like we are talking calorie bombs even if you're talking something like macadamia nuts which are amazing amazing it doesn't mean that you should be eating six ounces of them in one sitting so be real this next one is rice cakes okay seem pretty gentle right there's like 50 calories in one like what's going on okay as far as calories are concerned they're totally fine like they're not calorically dense but you have to be careful with two things one the flavored ones they end up adding a bunch of sugar a bunch of other garbage so you just got to be conscious of that but if you are watching your blood sugar which isn't for everyone but if you're watching blood sugar you should pay attention to these because what happens is when they Puff the rice to make a rice cake the injection of air into the actual starch chain separates them and turns them into individual glucose molecules making rice cakes deceptively very high glycemic like higher glycemic than sugar so when you eat a couple of rice cakes even though there's only a couple hundred calories at the most you might see your blood sugar Skyrocket if you're watching it that is why so I just say this not because they're unhealthy but because you should exercise caution if you were monitoring your blood sugar the next one is quinoa now here's the deal quinoa is gluten free it's technically not even a grain which makes it awesome some people have serious bloating issues from quinoa I'd say about 50 of the people I talk to get that but that's not the big deal here the thing we do have to pay attention to is that even though it's a healthier alternative than say rice in a lot of cases one cup still has like 250 calories in it so you're still looking at pretty calorically dense food so even though it feels like it's almost a vegetable in a way because it doesn't have that grain like consistency you just gotta be careful with it so I would recommend not going much more than like a half a cup of quinoa at a time in fact how I introduce quinoa is usually like sprinkled in over veggies trying to just get a little bit of carbohydrate in that way not by having a big voluptuous bowl of it okay this next one is interesting did you know that fruit juice is really comparable to soda in fact there was a study published in plos one that took a look at over 191 000 type 2 diabetics and they found that there was a higher instance of type 2 diabetes the more fruit juice that they consumed so more fruit juice sweetened beverage consumption associated with fruit juice led to more type 2 diabetes so we have to be very cautious and very real there even though that's observational data essentially we see very similar data with soda consumption and fruit juice consumption at this point there are so many other Alternatives it just doesn't even make sense anymore why is the fruit juice industry still just like pumping out advertising campaigns saying that it's a healthy alternative when it's really just pure sugar next one in a very similar category is just one to be aware of it's going to be dried fruit but particularly things like dried cranberries the reason is like dried cranberries are bitter they add sugar to them so when you look at like a salad that's like okay this is a beautiful Waldorf salad with some apples some olive oils and this and then we put some dried cranberries in it well most likely those dried cranberries are sweetened so you're looking at a total sugar bomb so it's not like you're getting just the beautiful sugar and the water and the fiber from the fruit you're getting a Consolidated sugar that doesn't fill you up so just be cautious do they have a place yes I think there is a practical application when you're like backpacking or something you want a little bit of sugar a little bit of fruit a little bit of nutrition a little bit of fiber but just to have them as a regular snack it's a slippery slippery slippery slope and this very last one it's just one we need to be careful of because it's Sneaky calories and sneaky sugar and that's barbecue sauce and ketchup okay I recommend going for things like Primal kitchen they're not a sponsor but they have like things like you know sugar-free or they're just like no sweetener ketchups and if you really need to have it sweet then add a little Stevia or something to it but remember that your taste buds are always changing your brain response is always changing you don't need those condiments also try opting for mustard instead of ketchup or barbecue sauce like a spicy mustard or a Dijon mustard on a barbecue tastes just as good in my opinion as like sweet barbecue sauce I love some stone ground mustard or some spicy mustard and then I'm not getting a bunch of high fructose corn syrup and extra calories so as always keep it locked in here on my channel I'll see you tomorrow

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