11 Underrated Fat Loss Tips I NEVER Should Have Ignored

we are going to cover the most overrated nutrition things and the most underrated nutrition things let's go ahead and Jump Right In the first one that's overrated is kombucha kombucha is awesome it tastes good but let's be real it does not have that much of a probiotic effect as a matter of fact when you look at the research you can actually see that there really isn't anything backing up kombucha there is a heck of a lot more research backing up things that are fermented dairy so kefir even water kefir but yogurt cottage cheese those kinds of things we actually see scientific literature backing up that's not to say that something might come out of the woodwork with kombucha but I think largely it's overrated you're not doing something crazy for your gut health you know what's underrated consuming soluble fiber I know it's not sexy it's not that cool to talk about but it's very very real and the literature is literally like countless you could go on forever and find countless benefits to adding fiber to your diet whether it's fatty acid oxidation glucose metabolism Mental effects whatever you're not going to get that from kombucha the next thing that's overrated eat less move more you know what that's going to do that's going to wind you up with a crashed metabolism you know what's underrated eat more move more G flux paying attention to energy flex energy cost what it takes to actually move a body and fuel a moving body if you just eat less move more simple calories in calories out without factoring in flux you're going to be left with a very dismal result and that is going to be a crash metabolism weak poor recovery overrated light breakfasts yep we got all hot on that a while ago where we thought okay this is great give yourself a light granola bar or just a little quick sugary yogurt and head out on the road this isn't anything to do with the sugar to be fully fair with you it's about the concept of having something so light in the morning that you're ravenous as the day goes on and the literature is very very clear with this you want to know it's underrated having light dinners it doesn't mean that you don't have dinner I mean you certainly can there's evidence there too but having a light dinner just means maybe you don't Gorge yourself at night you actually Gorge yourself with breakfast it's a little bit more practical and the old saying eat breakfast like a king lunch like a prince dinner like a popper that makes a lot of sense and a lot of circadian biology scientific literature to back it up overrated ready to drink protein drinks I put it there because it's kind of funny like there are so many preservatives and there's so much crap in these things that you actually don't even get that much protein like if you go to Costco and you look at the ready to drink energy drink or the ready to drink protein drinks the protein content is like 15 grams this is not that much you're getting more flavoring you're getting all these things that have to go into making it shelf stable not to mention they take up a lot of shelf space they're heavy so the margins are really Slim already for the company but at the same time they can't really pass that on to you so you end up with an expensive product right they can't pass on a bigger margin and giving you a good deal at the same time like it doesn't work like that so they need to squeak by with more and more margin on an already expensive product where their margins are Slims what's underrated Believe It or Not protein powders I mean granted like I would much rather you have Whole Foods I would much much rather you go and eat some eggs or you go out and eat a chicken breast or you go out and eat a steak or if you're plant-based you go out and get some tempeh or some natto or anything like that that's going to give you a benefit there that's way way better but underrated or protein powders like you get more bang for your buck with a protein powder than you do a ready to drink drink if you're wondering the one that I recommend it always comes up when I do videos like this so I went ahead and I put a link down below it's called Sun Warrior they have their active line it's actually a plant-based protein powder which is interesting because it comes from a guy that eats meat but I actually prefer having plant-based protein powders because I get some Fiber out of it I get some different nutritional value I get some micronutrients out of it it's a little bit more of a whole food kind of thing for me so this is a protein powder that's made with pumpkin seed powder and then it also has digestive enzymes and it has probiotics in it so really really well formulated they've been a sponsor on this channel for like five or six years now so I've stood behind them for a long time so it's no surprise not like I'm coming out of left field with this one but that link down below also gets you 20 off whatever you want from them whether it's their hydration their protein powders whatever all down below with that link you know what else is overrated the infatuation with the Blue Zone diets look at I've done content surrounding the blue zones I understand the premise but I have a flaw I feel like when we look at Blue zones we're looking at only like a myopic piece of it when in reality what makes a Blue Zone a blue zone is the all-encompassing holistic aspect of their entire life they have tremendous relationships they are active people they are outside in the sun I think the diet portion is probably a smaller component and unfortunately we get a heavy heavy skew towards saying that hey these people eat lots of plants and limited meat and although that could be true I think we're putting the cart before the horse that it's their lifestyle and their lower stress that's probably helping them live longer you know it's underrated longevity outliers because longevity outliers drive up averages when you look at averages and you have some people that are living really long that's going to drive up an average but also why don't we look at the interesting components of the blue zones not the common denominators like what is it about Japan That's Unique what is it about Costa Rica That's Unique what is it about Greece That's Unique what is it about Sardinia That's Unique what is it about Loma Linda That's Unique when we look at all of these and we find the unique attributes of each of these zones we can craft a better longevity diet so let's stop looking at oh they all eat X and start looking at wow this region eats X Y this region eats a z you get what I'm saying look at the outliers Malcolm Gladwell would be proud overrated daily 16 hour fasts 16-8 fasting yeah it's overrated because all that is is caloric restriction you're like wait a minute Thomas no you're turning on me you're a fasting guy hear me out daily 16 8 is overrated it is just caloric restriction you are going to run your metabolism into the ground and it's going to be a problem that's why I've talked about that for the last couple of years but unfortunately good old algorithms don't always help us out here so not everyone sees that content you know what's underrated occasionally fasting for longer periods of time like maybe an 18-hour fast two days a week or maybe a 24 hour fast once a week why because it's not about the caloric restriction it's about getting different benefits from abstaining from food maybe it's autophagy sure maybe it's the element of mental Mastery could definitely be that maybe it's stem cells maybe it's whatever right maybe it's circadian biology maybe it is caloric deficit who knows right it's all a bunch of different stuff that we could collectively put together but one thing stands true it's a hormetic stressor and fasting should be a stressor and if we view it as that then what good is doing a 16 hour fast every day doing us it's no longer a stressor it's normal fasting should be your hormetic stressor so you adapt from said stressor overrated organ Meats sorry liver King I know you got your deal you got your whole stick this isn't a fight on you or a hit on you at all bottom line is that the micronutrients and everything that we get from organ Meats we don't need to be getting every day I am a fan of organ Meats I am a fan of liver trust me I think it's hugely beneficial I think the vitamin A is very very important I think the vitamin B that we give the wide range of vitamin B but if we look from an evolutionary standpoint would we be eating liver every day nah it's mostly the muscle meat and then occasionally we get the organs that's really the way it is is it bad no absolutely eat it heck yeah go for it but is it overrated unfortunately yeah you know it's underrated eggs good old inexpensive eggs well they used to be inexpensive I think they've come down a little bit but eggs we get choline we get vitamin A we get vitamin D we get a plethora of micronutrients we get beta-carotene we get lutein we get zeaxanthin we get the most abundant source of protein that we can find on the planet as far as I know but you know what eggs and veggies why because veggies give us our micronutrients sautes and veggies into your eggs cook them get the fat soluble vitamins get the water soluble vitamins eggs and veggies are way underrated while we're overrating organ Meats overrated don't hate me for saying this but saturated fat okay I'm not saying that saturated Fat's a problem I mean it kind of is because unfortunately we probably consume too much of it alongside high carbs especially basically over nutrition over feeding but the reason I say it's overrated is because so many people in an effort to be sort of different and to fight they side with saturated fat and they make it sound like it's the best thing ever it's kind of just benign in its normal amount like if you have 20 25 of your daily fat from saturated fat it's really not doing anything bad but it's not doing a ton good I mean it's going to help with myelination it helps with the brain I couldn't really list a lot of overall quote-unquote benefits of saturated fat outside of the basic stuff that we need for basic survival so to tout it as this amazingly beneficial thing is just overrated it's not bad it's not unreal it's just a little overrated and you know it's a little overrated but what's underrated are things like monounsaturated fats because unfortunately things like olive oil things like avocado oil things like macadamia nut oil these monounsaturated fats which mind you are also in things like pork okay also in certain fishes it's perfectly fine to see monounsaturated fats and meat it's not just a plant-based thing the thing is is that they get roped into the same category as like seed oils and things like that people think they're bad we're missing out on huge benefits of insulin sensitivity huge brain benefits huge oleic acid benefits which is great for metabolism and fat metabolism it's totally underrated you know it's overrated seed oils being inflammatory omega-6 is being inflammatory what Thomas have you completely gone the other direction from what you used to talk about no people just never really hear me out all the way because they get their little Clips seed oils are not the end of the world in their own natural form omega-6s can be very anti-inflammatory just as they can be pro-inflammatory it all has to do with the arachidonic acid chain and when it all goes down and all kind of boils down to the arachidonic acid chain essentially you're left with something that can either be pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory depending on a the quantity and B the state of your just being like are you in an inflammatory state where there's going to be used as such so am I Pro seed oil actually no I'm not because here's what's underrated the rancidity of seed oils everyone's so focused on seed oils being inflammatory that they forget that the big issue is that they're unstable oils and that they're used in high heat cooking and they're left out and they're rancid and they're oxidized and that I don't care what oil it is you're talking about if it's rancid and oxidized it's not good for you that's the problem you know it's overrated eating three meals per day that has been debunked I don't think three meals per day is what we need to do I think we kind of entitle ourselves or enable ourselves by having three meals per day you know it's underrated tapping into our body's stored fuel now and then our bodies are designed to run on fuel that comes in but also on board fuel how pathetic would we be if we can't go occasional periods of time without eating I'm not suggesting that you fast you don't have to do that I'm not suggesting anything other than don't be a spoiled brat with your food allow yourself to take a break don't eat three meals per day just because you're told that you have to or you're supposed to it doesn't work like that you don't need to eat three meals per day it's an arbitrary number and your body can do just fine on one on two on Ten and you know what's overrated is doing reaction videos on YouTube picking apart people's information so that you can game off their name to make a little clip and you know it's underrated Ingenuity coming up with your own content to truly help people how about them apples hey if you like these overrated underrated Style videos leave a comment down below because I want to do more of these across different categories if you like them see you tomorrow

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