1 Cup of This Drink Daily Lowers Blood Sugar & Improves Insulin Resistance

I want to talk about the best drink that you could possibly drink throughout the course of the day to improve insulin resistance now the reason that this drink is going to have such a profound effect is because it actually blocks the absorption of fructose now fructose is not necessarily bad when it comes from fruit right but we have to look at a study here before I can get specifically into the details of the strength now I know that attention spans are shorter these days so I'll give you the drink it's green tea if you want to click off this video that's totally fine but at least do me a service and leave a comment and share so it helps the algorithm but for those that really want to learn why and when to consume this we're going to Pepper that in throughout the video but I have to explain how fructose contributes to insulin resistance by referencing a very interesting study after today's video I popped a link down below for timeline nutrition if you're concerned with longevity and you're looking into the research here eurolithin a is something very interesting it's a compound that comes out of pomegranates but only a small number of people actually synthesize it so only 40 percent or so of people actually turned pomegranates into this compound called urolithin a your lithium a drives up what is called mitochondrial biogenesis and it drives up what's called mitophagy so essentially it's autophagy of the mitochondria if you don't know what that means basically you're allowing the PowerHouse and the energy manufacturing of yourself to go through a recycling system and get stronger that's really what we're looking for so in the world of longevity science there's very interesting stuff so I pop the link down below for you to check out timeline nutrition and if you use that code down below that's going to save you 10 off your entire purchase so it's code Thomas 10 saves you 10 off through timeline nutrition link down below this video the study was published in the journal of clinical investigation and it was a metabolic Ward study so it's very very clear they had subjects in a metabolic Ward they had them consume 75 of their calories in the exact same way so very controlled both groups 75 percent of their total calories with the same exact Foods the only difference between the two groups is after that 75 percent the remaining 25 percent came from either pure glucose drinks or pure fructose drinks now what they found was nothing short of amazing because the calories ended up being the same but one group had a bunch of fructose one group had a bunch of glucose they found that the fructose group had massive decreases in fatty acid oxidation so massive decreases in the amount of fat they were burning massive decreases in insulin sensitivity meaning their cells were more insulin resistant and weren't receiving glucose as well and massive decreases in energy expenditure meaning they were literally burning less calories at rest they also found that there was a significant increase in cardiovascular disease risk factors risk markers right so increases in LDL changes in other things with the high fructose group now this doesn't mean that fructose is the end of the world okay like you're probably not going to get 150 grams of fructose in from fruit it's probably just not it's not going to happen but when you're consuming sugary foods and processed stuff that stuff adds up with the high fructose corn syrup and the fructose there what am I getting out this what does this have to do with insulin resistance well hear me out remember how I mentioned that fatty acid oxidation went down tremendously well when we have high amounts of fructose fatty acid oxidation goes down it means we're burning less fat which means we actually store more fat in the intramyocellular area of our muscles so into myocellular lipids so we store fat in our muscles which impedes the signal from insulin okay so that means that by having less fat oxidating and more fat in the muscle we become more insulin resistant as a matter of fact the leading cause of insulin resistance is not sugar it's decreased fatty acid oxidation and the fat building up in the muscle messing up the signal so what we need to be able to do is decrease fructose intake but that's not easy for everyone to do this is where green tea comes in and it doesn't just have to be green tea there's some foods that contain compounds too and it has to do with egcg which I'm sure you've heard of before egcg is the main most powerful catechin compound in green tea and this research comes directly from phytotherapy research Journal This research suggests that egcg directly blocks the transporter for fructose so you're literally not getting as much fructose into the bloodstream because you're blocking the transporter it's called glut5 this little shuttle bus normally takes the fructose brings it into the bloodstream to the portal vein into the liver and does its thing well what does this mean for you it means that well the more that fructose is coming in the more you're decreasing that fatty acid oxidation now to a certain degree of course I'm not a you know against fruit I eat a fair bit of fruit Point here is that if we block this bus we can get away with more of this fructose with less getting absorbed so when do you want to do this well green tea on an empty stomach is tremendous because green tea on an empty stomach can drive up all kinds of metabolic processes it can drive up ampk can help you burn fat so green tea you know on an empty stomach can reverse this whole process otherwise you want to sip on green tea alongside any carbohydrates but what about in the afternoon when you don't want to have like green tea and caffeine well ginseng can have a similar effect and a lot of times you'll find green tea That's decaffeinated that they add ginseng to kind of get a an energy effect without the caffeine but decaffeinated green tea is completely fine but what if you don't want to have any tea like what if you really don't want to risk the caffeine or anything in the afternoon well it turns out that cranberries strawberries cherries and blackberries into a small degree kiwis but they're so high in sugar right those fruits have a lot of egcg in them not as much as green tea I mean green tea you could pretty much have zero calories and get this fructose blocking effect but if you consume just maybe a little bit of cranberries that aren't really that sweet unless they've been sweetened and dried that's a good impact also cherries which yeah they can be very sweet so you got to be careful there but really when we're looking at this strawberries and blackberries are very low carb and the net impact of being able to block fructose alongside already being low carb makes it a really great thing in fact if you've ever had like strawberry infused green tea that you've made at home that might not be a bad thing to do like make a batch of green tea iced put some strawberries in there so you're getting the polyphenols and the effects of the strawberries and you're kind of having a double whammy I know I sound like a woo-woo weirdo witch doctor but I try to be proactive and look ahead on these things the bottom line is that it's not directly sugar causing the insulin resistance it's the intramyocellular lipids blocking the signal and it's the inflammation blocking the signal so if we can take care of the absorption of fructose to a certain degree we can mitigate some of this so green tea fasted to have a net positive impact and sort of reverse things and green tea or strawberries and blackberries alongside higher carbohydrate meals to help mitigate some of the risk that goes with it as always keep it locked in I'll see you tomorrow

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